How Do Instagram Followers and Users Behave? – Instanobel Blog


How Do Instagram Followers and Users Behave? – Instanobel Blog

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How Do Instagram Followers and Users Behave?





Without a doubt, it has become more difficult nowadays to get your Instagram photos seen by people.

If you have been using this social media platform for some time, you might have also noticed that the amount of exposure your photos are getting might have diminished as well. This can be incredibly frustrating especially for new businesses that hope to reach new customers via this channel.

The reality is, Instagram has shifted its algorithm based on user engagement. What this means is that you need to receive more views, likes, comments, and shares for your content to be seen. When one of your posts receives a ton of comments or likes, it signals Instagram that your photo (and most likely the rest of your content) is of good quality.  This is the kind of content that Instagram will continue to showcase its users.

Because engagement has become a key ingredient for a wider visibility, it is critical that you understand how your followers behave. Moreover, knowing how other IG users utilize their accounts will also help you increase the number of followers on your account.

They Have An Active Schedule

Instagram newbies continue to post pictures without scheduling them. But if you absolutely want to maximize your content, you must identify the exact time when your followers are the most active. This way you get more engagement whenever you publish newer content.

You can use marketing platforms or service tools that calculate the most suitable time when you should and should not be posting. Some of these tools base the results on your top performing photos. They also help you determine the next schedule when you will most likely get more engagement.

They Hate It When You Flood Your Feed

Instagram is indeed a photo-sharing app, but it should not, by any means, be used as a flipbook. Even if you capture 15 stunning photos, you must learn to have a keen eye on selecting the best ones and posting them at the right time.

Just because you are publishing so many photos does not equate to getting more likes and followers. People hate it when your photos are flooding their feed, so it would be best to save the rest of your pictures for another day or for another social media perusing.

They Love Awesome Content

A good content always sticks. Even if you are consistently posting photos at the perfect date and time, these will be all for nothing if you do not ensure that your content is of exceptional quality. The photo should be crisp, and the lighting should be just right. Posting a low-quality and dimly lit photos will not get you much traction.

They Like It When You Like Their Stuff

Just think about this, what if you displayed a photo of you working out on your favorite sneakers from Adidas, and the brand itself has liked your photo, wouldn’t that brighten up your day? You must like the photos of your followers as well. However, do not indiscriminately like everything you see.

What you need to do is simply like the stuff of people who you want to follow you. If you consistently implement this tip, you might even catch an influencer’s attention. Just don’t aim too high, though.

Celebrities like Kim Kardashian or Selena Gomez won’t start recognizing you in the sea of their millions of followers just because you liked some of their posts.

They Are Drawn To Good-Looking Profiles

If you have not started a proper theme for your Instagram account, you might need to delete your older posts and start from scratch. Users are drawn to images that follow the same theme. It is therefore critical that your photos follow a certain aesthetic as your entire account represents your brand and what your business is all about.

The next time you think about publishing another photo, be particular on how it will blend harmoniously with the rest of your Instagram content. Deliver 100% of your brand’s essence so that people can start recognizing you without looking at your name.

Instagram continues to test and alter innovative ways to connect their users to fresh content.

Along with sponsored posts, users only see the content of the users they follow. It looks like Instagram is moving towards becoming a more user-centric network, which means the best way possible for you to get more views and engagement is by understanding how your followers and other IG users behave.


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